Also see: Stairlifts - Bathing Solutions - Mobility Scooters

Whether you use a wheelchair, scooter or powerchair, the range of versatile power hoists will effortlessly lift it into the boot of your car at the start of your journey with just a push of a button.
Thanks to smart engineering and clever design, the UK-built hoists can make light work of even the heaviest scooters.
With the 200kg version, the most powerful hoist in the world - capable of lifting above the 150kg threshold.
We understand that real independence means being able to drive what you want, when you want, so the Person Lift is designed to fit more than 300 different makes and models of vehicle - meaning it will transfer you safely in and out of the seat of your current car.
Available in a range of sizes, it can also be used in the home, on holiday or in the office.
For more information call Autochair on 0800 009 2324.